Security events:
- Elaboration of safety files
- Coordination of components in the field of safety and security (DPS)
- Advices in prevention
- Technical organisator of mechanical manifestations (accordingto decree 2006-554 of 16.05.2006)
Fire & HSCT:
- Realisation of single document
- Setting assistance of a politique structure HSCT (Hygiene security & working conditions)
- Audits and recommendations in fire safety
- Training in fire fighting
- Training in fire drill and translatory movement
- Coordination SSI (fire alarm/safety system)
- Training emergency medical technician / fire safet
- Transportation of cameramen
- Prevention and conciliation in public places during big events
Securing sports courses
Film shooting securit:
- Risk analysis
- Establishment of a prevention plan
- Establishment of a fire and burglary safety service
- Coordination of the security system
- Professional risk prevention worker - IPRP
Road Safety:
- Awareness / Training after-license (motorbikes, quads, cars, trucks)
- Conference about/on comportement on the road
- Thematic presentations (alcool, speed,drugs, etc …)
- Training course on professionnal driving (police, first aid emergency, enterprises, etc …)